聚会时间表 | Meetings Schedule
时间 Time | 聚会 Meeting | 聚会号码 Meeting ID | |
Lord's Day 主日 Location&Schedule 查看主日地点时间表 |
10:00AM 上午十时 |
Message Meeting 信息分享 |
604 266 5350 |
Lord's Day level 4 Meeting 主日高中生聚会 |
824 4612 7866 | ||
Lord's Day Children's Meetings 主日儿童聚会 |
Gr.1-5 937 0074 8511 Gr.6-7 843 4675 2729 |
11:00AM 上午十一时 |
Lord's Table Meeting 主日擘饼聚会 |
Tuesday 周二 |
7:30PM 晚上七时三十分 |
Prayer Meeting 祷告聚会 |
604 266 5350 |
Thursday 周四 |
10:00AM 上午十时 |
Life Exploration (Chinese Only) 生命探索 (欢迎弟兄姐妹及亲友参加) |
实体聚会 |
Friday 周五 |
07:00PM 晚上七时 |
Young People Prayer Meeting
& Bible Study 青年人祷告&查经 |
Saturday 周六 |
请接洽各家组负责人 | Home Meeting (Chinese) 各区家聚会 |

Burnaby Meeting Location: 7839 16th Ave, Burnaby
儿童聚会仍在聚会所举行。每月第二、三周的儿童聚会后,六、七年级的儿童会到 Marpole Neighbourhood House
Children meeting
will be held at the meeting hall. After children meeting on the 2nd and 3rd week of each month,
the children in grade 6 & 7 will join English Lord's table meeting at Marpole Neighbourhood
每月第二、三周的高中生聚会会在 Marpole Neighbourhood House 举行,之后高中生会参加英语擘饼聚会。
High schoolers meeting on
the 2nd and 3rd week of each month will be held at Marpole Neighbourhood House, high schoolers
will join English Lord's table meeting after.